Furukawa Electric Power Systems Co., Ltd.
Yokohama, JAPAN
Furukawa Electric Power Systems Co., Ltd.
Yokohama, JAPAN
The Products
Drykeeper is a moisture absorbing sheet made of synthetic rubber and superabsorbent polymer. It is halogen-free and environmentally friendly.
While traditional moisture absorption products come in pellet or powder form, Drykeeper is a thin sheet. It is covered in a non-woven material. Drykeeper is extremely easy to handle and fits into any space.
Drykeeper absorbs moisture during high humidity and releases moisture during low humidity. This reversibility allows it to maintain a constant level of humidity.
Drykeeper continues to dehumidify over a long period of time. It is a very effective measure against condensation.
Sample Applications:
- Distribution/control panels
- Emergency telephones along railway lines
- Railroad crossing gates
- Utensil boxes
- Surveillance cameras
- Speed limit display panels
- Mega solar PCS equipment/connection boxes
- Other consumer goods
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